HD video, color, sound, 15’ 30’’

Applicando le strategie del documentario e del cinema sperimentale, l'artista ha realizzato un affascinante ritratto di una Hong Kong simulata e postcoloniale.

Combining methods from both the documentary and assemblage film traditions, this work creates a fascinating portrait of a simulated, post-colonial Hong Kong.

The Plastic Garden (2013)

HD video, color, sound, 11’ 04’’

Utilizzando immagini e suoni di Call of Duty: Black Ops, l’artista evoca i fantasmi di un mondo post-apocalittico, devastato da un conflitto nucleare. Senza le sanguinose sparatorie dell’originale, gli scenari del videogioco acquistano un carattere perturbante.

Appropriating images and sounds from Call of Duty: Black Ops, the artist summons the ghosts of a post-apocalyptic world, devastated by a nuclear war. The restaged scenes, devoid of the original game's bloody shootouts, compose eerie tableaux.

CloudS Fall (2014)

HD video, color, sound, 11’ 12’’

Ultimo episodio della trilogia, quest'opera assembla in modo creativo alcune sequenze tratte dalla popolare serie Call of Duty. Il risultato è un documentario sulla fluidità degli ambienti virtuali.

This creative remix of several sequences from the entire Call of Duty series is the last episode of the trilogy. The outcome is a record of the fluid nature of virtual worlds.


IP Yuk-Yiu is an experimental filmmaker, media artist, art educator, and independent curator. His works have been showcased extensively at international festivals including the European Media Art Festival, New York Film Festival in the “Views From the Avant-garde” program), Image Festival, FILE Festival, VideoBrasil, Transmediale, ISEA and more. He is the founder of the art.ware project, an independent curatorial initiative focusing on the promotion of new media art in Hong Kong. Yuk-Yiu has also lectured extensively on film, video and media art and has taught at Emerson College, Massachusetts College of Art and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Currently he is Associate Professor at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. His recent works explore emergent and hybrid forms of cinema. Yuk-Yiu lives and works in Hong Kong.

IP Yuk-Yiu è un regista sperimentale, media artist, docente e curatore indipendente. Le sue opere sono state presentate a numerosi festival internazionali tra cui lo European Media Art Festival, il New York Film Festival nella sezione “Views from the Avant-garde”, Image Festival, FILE Festival, VideoBrasil, Transmediale, ISEA e molti altri. Fondatore del progetto art.ware, un’iniziativa curatoriale indipendente atta a promuovere la new media art a Hong Kong, IP Yuk-Yiu ha tenuto conferenze e presentazioni sul cinema, la videoarte e la media art. Ha svolto attività di insegnamento presso l’Emerson College, il Massachusetts College of Art e la Polytechnic University di Hong Kong. Oggi è Associate Professor presso la School of Creative Media della City University di Hong Kong. Nelle sue opere più recenti, IP Yuk-Yiu esplora le forme emergenti e ibride del cinema. IP Yuk-Yiu vive e lavora a Hong Kong.



Photos by Colleen Flaherty